Erin Pizzey publishes another seminal work on domestic violence. It is available free till the end of July.
In defence of the family
Erin Pizzey penned this short piece in 2006. It is no less relevant today than it was then.
Men forgotten in violence debate
THERE is too little acknowledgement of the importance of male disempowerment in debates surrounding domestic violence, and discussions about family violence are stuck in the mindset of 1970s radical feminism. Dr. Tanveer Ahmed calls for a more inclusive approach in discussions on this important topic.
Malignant Mothers
There is an apocryphal story I read that tells of a doting mother who has a son that cuts out her heart in an attempt to get away from her. He throws her heart down on the ground and when, stricken with guilt, he stands over her severed head she looks up at him and […]
When did you last beat your wife?
Edmund Burke remarked ‘For evil to triumph, it is only necessary for good men to do nothing.’ For nearly thirty years men have done very little to protect themselves from being disenfranchised from their homes and their children.
A comparative study of battered women and violence-prone women
The most accurate way to define domestic violence is intergenerational, says domestic violence research pioneer, Erin Pizzey, calling for a new model on which to address the problem