Originally aired on 4th January 2014, this is a ground breaking dialogue between Erin Pizzey and Professor Murray Straus. Sadly, Professor Straus passed away on May 13, 2016. He was a pioneering researcher on the subjects of sexual violence, intimate partner violence, and child abuse. Straus is possibly the most influential researcher on this […]
Stephen Baskerville speaks about his article, Conservative Diffidence and the Political Exploitation of George Floyd
Stephen Baskerville speaks on Points of View about his recent article, “Conservative Diffidence and the Political Exploitation of George Floyd” published on the New English Review. Stephen is the third guest on the programme and starts at around 1:29:50. You can listen here: Point of View July 9, 2020 – Don Shenk, James Hirsen, Stephen […]
Love’s bitter rebuke
The story of domestic abuse is often the story of an entire family. It is a complex, messy emotional affair that for most will only be healed with a healthy dose of forgiveness.